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Recycling materials and skills

Animated movie from up-cycled rubbish and metal wires

Recommended for

People with migrant or refugee background

Duration and phases 

2 sessions of 2 hours each

Number of participants
Up to 16 participants

Part 1:  Collecting material for the workshop and discussion

Waste collection on the beach


1. Ice braking
2. Explaining the workshop activities
3. Awareness raising about sea pollution


Between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the number of participants

Materials needed

- Video projector

Take a walk on the beach, collect waste and stones, and, if possible, ask participants to bring small pieces of waste material from home.

During the walk, you can initiate a conversation about  the consequences of sea pollution. Here are some tips to talk about:

The waste left on the beach can have several negative impacts on the environment and ecosystem. Some common consequences include:

  1. Environmental Pollution: Trash left on the beach can contribute to environmental pollution. Plastics, glass, and other non-biodegradable materials can persist in the environment for a long time, negatively affecting the natural landscape.

  2. Harm to Wildlife: Marine animals and birds can mistake litter for food or become entangled in it, leading to injury or death. Plastic items, in particular, pose a significant threat to marine life when ingested.

  3. Ecosystem Disruption: The presence of waste on the beach can disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem. It may alter the behavior and habitats of beach-dwelling organisms, affecting the overall health of the coastal environment.

  4. Aesthetic Degradation: Litter on the beach not only harms the environment but also detracts from the beauty of the natural landscape. It can negatively impact tourism and the overall enjoyment of beaches for both locals and visitors.

Efforts to address this issue typically involve community clean-up initiatives, waste reduction and recycling programs, and raising awareness about the importance of responsible waste disposal.

Part 2 : Discovery - quiz games

Quiz game sessions to recall the shapes of the diverse animals and plants living in the sea.


1. Ice-breaking

2. Exploring cultural artefacts

3. Awareness raising about sea pollution


45 minutes

Materials needed

- Video projector

Before we begin the creative process, you might need a small reminder to explore the diverse living beings deep in the sea. This interactive game features beautiful drawings by Maj Persson. It not only allows you to review your vocabulary in English related to sea life but also serves as inspiration for the upcoming exercise.

We are about to create art with these creatures. However, we won't be the first ones to do so. Throughout history and around the world, images of sea creatures have been 'recycled.' Take a look at this map and place the objects on it. We've included their locations and the periods when they were created to assist you. (Images are sourced from the MET Museum's open-source collection.)
And what happens to the waste people leave on the beach ?
Delve into the innovative world of contemporary artists who are transforming sea rubbish into remarkable artworks. Discover how these creative minds are using recycled materials from the ocean to express environmental concerns and inspire change.

You can use the images we selected in the RE-CULT gallery, but you can also collect further examples:  
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Explain to your participants the stop motion movie technique. You can use the RE-CULT micro lesson :


Here, you can find additional tips on how to create a stop motion movie.

Collaboratively develop a stop-motion scenario featuring your wire sea creatures and the rubbish and waste you collected.

In pairs or in small groups take pictures of each movement through the Stop Motion Studio application with your smartphones or tablets.


Export your movie and share it with all the participants.


Part 3 : Creation

Creating shapes with wires and beads recalling sea creatures


1. Improving manual skills and capacity of abstraction

2. Improving  arts & crafts skills

3. Improving observation skills

4. Changing  perspectives



45- 60 minutes

Materials needed

-Metal wires (brass, copper, aluminium)
-Pliers and cutters
- beads
-any small object to help you to shape the wire

Create shapes with wires and beads recalling sea creatures such as fish, algae, corals, etc.



Some tips :


- Shape them with your fingers.

- Assemble separate pieces.

- You can use pliers to shape your wire bot other small object can also  be turned into a wire shaping tool such as pens to form curves.

- Integrate beads and small pendants that the participants can integrate into their structures.



Here, you can find additional tips for working with metal wires


Part 4 : Audiovisual creation

Stop Motion Movie with wire sea creatures and waste


1. Improving skills in digital content making

2. Transforming the creative process into a story and transmit it
3. Learning how to edit videos and pictures or compose layouts 

4. Enhancing competences in visual documentation

5. Learning easy and creative techniques to foster self-expression



60 minutes

Materials needed

- sea creatures sculptures of metal wires

- stones and small pieces of plastic, glass or other waste materials

- smartphones or tablets

- Stop Motion Studio application (free)

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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