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Learning about different forms of bordering within an urban environment. Becoming sensible to understand the meaning of different visual elements in the streets, from a cultural, aesthetical but also practical point of view. Understanding the very complex meanings and uses of borders in the practice: in urban planning, in social communication, social inclusion and exclusion, aesthetic communication, etc.


  • Study tour/city walk

  • discovering the city

  • observation, empathy

  • photo

  • visual reflection


2-3 hours depending on the area


  • Orientation in the city

  • observation skills

  • critical thinking

  • understanding of symboles

  • photo and video making

  • digital skills


  • Knowledge of the area

  • For preparing the walk, a printed map designating some main orientation points and a common meeting place and hour need to be decided and shared with the participants.

  • A hotline (mobile number) provided for supporting participants in case of emergencies.

  • knowledge of photo and video making


  • printed map on the area

  • smart phones or cameras for photo and/or video making device with internet access,

  • personal storage device


1. Instructions and Launch of the Walk (Blended Part): - Meet the group at a pre-determined starting point for the walk. - Distribute the maps and provide participants with an explanation of the tasks. - Agree on the place and time for the group to meet after completing the walk.

2. Walk and Photos (Blended Part): - Participants will follow the map and take photos and/or videos of different places and signs of borders in the urban area. - They will also mark the borders on the map and add the photo taken at that location. - If using smartphones, photos will automatically provide location information.

3. Video Storytelling: - Meet the participants and return together to the training room. - Explain the main elements of video making using You Cut or any other video-making application. - Guide them to make short videos showcasing how borders appear in the city by using the photos and short video shots taken during the walk.

4. Presentation and Sharing: - Ask participants to present their videos to each other. - Encourage them to share their stories and experiences during the exercise.


The activity is included into the tutorial "City Tour for Overcoming Borders"

The activity itself is a blended activity, as the first part is realised outside the training room, in the city. Participants can collect border forms and elements individually in a blended activity. The facilitator provides parameters for selecting the area. Participants will choose visual elements and bring them to the room. By using images from different cities, they will co-create a video story together


Rather than simply taking photos or videos, participants have the option to create sketches of border elements and collect physical objects or touchprints of materials and forms. Observations can also be focused on specific aspects, such as ornaments, materials, borders on building facades, green borders, artistic border elements, and so on.


A series of photos, and videos and video stories about bordering in the cities. Participants learn about urban typology, use of borders, symboles, intercultural communication, photo and video making.


Discover different ways to organise city tours and walkabouts:

Using diverse techniques to collect materials

To collect ornaments in the city

To make sensorial exploration of the city

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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