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Stimulating the participants' awareness of the communities they are living in, enhancing cultural identity, making people ready to build a better community, and support hospitality, inclusion and openess to diversity.


  • recycling

  • visual heritage

  • visual creation

  • jewellery making


2 hours


  •  imagination

  • belonging to a community

  • intercultural skills, manual skills,

  • creative skills, professional skills


The facilitator needs to be able to stimulate the storytelling and to ensure to avoid judgement, to give voice to all and to stimulate the emersion of powerful insights.


  • LEGO® bricks - preferably from the series LEGO® Serious Play®


1. Introduce the workshop and explain the objectives and ethical codes to the participants. Ensure a safe and supportive environment for all participants, adhering to ethical codes. Ensure that the models are built in freedom without any jugements and biaises.

2. Demonstrate the use of bricks for creating meaningful models through metaphors.

3. Guide and instruct the participants in the four rounds of creating models symbolizing four main topics: - ROUND 1 Identity: Participants will build a model made of bricks as a representation of themselves at their arrival in the country/community they are living in now. - ROUND 2 Integration: Participants will build a model made of bricks as a representation of themselves in a moment when they felt completely accepted or supported in the new community they are living in. - ROUND 3 Ideal Community: Participants will build a model made of bricks as a representation of an ideal community that is able to welcome, integrate, and accept diversity. - ROUND 4 Gap: Participants will build a model made of bricks as a representation of what their community is missing to welcome, integrate, and accept diversity.

4. Encourage participants to create models without judgment and emphasize that there are no wrong answers.

5. Facilitate a reflection and discussion session at the end of the activity where participants can share their models and thoughts in a supportive and respectful environment.


Running a workshop with migrants who are not fluent in the local language could pose a challenge in terms of their full participation in explaining their models and storytelling. In such a scenario, it would be useful to have a participant who is fluent in both languages (local and mother language) to support and translate whenever needed. It is important to note that the session is not a play for children, but a serious play based on science. The bricks should be considered as a tool in the process, and the insights that emerge from the session will be powerful and useful for achieving the workshop's objectives. Therefore, it is important to explain this clearly at the beginning of the session.


Clarifying the vision, stimulating awareness and providing powerful insights about the community the people are living in by fostering integration and valorisation of the diversity of the participants.


About LEGO® Serious Play®

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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