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Recycling materials and skills

Theatre Performance with "Dancing" Microscopic Images

Recommended for

Women and/or children with migrant or refugee background

Duration and phases 

4 sessions + a blended part that you can organise in 3 or 4 days 

Number of participants

Between 5 and 12 persons

Part 1: Introduction

How to discover personal stories through objects ?


1. Getting to know each other
2. Initiating participant to reflect ton their relationship to objects and materials
3. Ice-breaking


Between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the number of participants

Materials needed

- Objects and photos brought from home

- Paper and pen

- Paint ot other drawing material

Part 2

How to make you own worry beads with a personal meaning ?


1. Relaxing

2. Reconnecting with memories

3. Sensitizing about recycling the

4. Changing view about materials


Between 1,5 and 3 hours 

Materials needed

-  Dry flowers or other small personal recyclable objects 

-  Silicon mould

- UV lamp

-  Silicon pad

- UV resin

- Threads

- Toothpicks

- Nail varnish

- Scissors

- Plastic gloves

Part 3

How to use a portable microscope to take a macro photograph of a personal object


1. Change one's vision about surrounding objects and materials

2. Enhancing independent work and improving skills in photo making

3. Improving writing skills  

4. Acquire analytical skills



30 minutes 

Materials needed

- Smartphones

- WhatsApp or messenger application 

Part 4

 How to use microscopic images for theatre performance


1. Create interaction between participants 



1,5 - 2 hours depending on the number of participants

Materials needed

- Microscopic images photographed previously

- Computer

- Video projector

- White sheets

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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